If you’ve been following us on instagram or twitter, you may already be acquainted with our newest addition to the Coyote family: Foxy!
Jen Vargas will be puppeteering Foxy the Coyote in our upcoming production of Riley Ann Visits The Outcast Cafe and has been getting acquainted with her (as we finish building her) during our workshop these past few weeks.
Last week Jen took Foxy on a field trip to The Big Apple! Here’s a little photo journal of the experience:
Foxy and Jennifer get on the train from Wassaic to Grand Central- Final destination: NYC!After all the travel, Foxy rests and relaxes at Jen & Tom’s before a big day out tomorrow.Looking for a bite to eat…The ladies get their nails done for a big night out on the town!In a cab to somewhere exciting…!
It’s TIMES SQUARE!The beautiful gals having a blast in the heart of NYC.Foxy is so curious… So many smells in the big city!So glad you girls got a chance to explore the city together! (A sneaky shot of Foxy’s gracious host, Tom, in the background) See you two in the Berkshires!
Chunky and noisy,
but with stars in their black feathers,
they spring from the telephone wire
and instantly
they are acrobats
in the freezing wind.
And now, in the theater of air,
they swing over buildings,
dipping and rising;
they float like one stippled star
that opens,
becomes for a moment fragmented,
then closes again;
and you watch
and you try
but you simply can’t imagine
how they do it
with no articulated instruction, no pause,
only the silent confirmation
that they are this notable thing,
this wheel of many parts, that can rise and spin
over and over again,
full of gorgeous life.
Ah, world, what lessons you prepare for us,
even in the leafless winter,
even in the ashy city.
I am thinking now
of grief, and of getting past it;
I feel my boots
trying to leave the ground,
I feel my heart
pumping hard. I want
to think again of dangerous and noble things.
I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing,
as though I had wings.
We’re back this #ThrowbackThursday with another #FeaturedFriend! Last month we began a series of interviews with past artists who have come through the Outcast Café. We are delighted to catch you up on their journeys since parting ways and to share a few of their fond memories from their time with us. If you missed our first Featured Friend, Kelsey Hogan, you can check out her interview here.
This month is a special treat as we introduce Jennifer Vargas, one of our Ministering Angels from The Dick and The Rose NYFringe tour in 2012. We are pleased to welcome Jen back to the company this fall as MA (Ministering Angel- solo that is) in our workshop of Riley Ann Visits the Outcast Café. We invite you to enjoy Jennifer’s brilliance right along with us:
The beautiful and talented Jennifer Vargas.
OC: Welcome back, Jenny! We’re so happy to have you in the rehearsal space again. Can you take us down memory lane? Tell us a little about your initial collaboration with Outcast Café:
JV: I was attending NYU Tisch for Drama and Barbara Allen was a clowning teacher of mine. It was my favorite class and I asked her if she knew of any other clowning opportunities in the city. Barbara later reached out to me about a show she was choreographing and she told Biggs about me. I auditioned for him and the rest, as they say, is history.
Jen (front and center) leaps fearlessly into the Ministering Angel team in a pick-up rehearsal at NYFringe 2012.
OC: A history we remember fondly! It was such a joy to have you join the team. What was one of your favorite memories from the summer of 2012?
JV: I have so many! One of my favorites was just working with the Ministering Angels. I was the youngest of the four and I never felt like I was underestimated. We all took good care of each other. We also had a lot of fun behind the scenes (and beyond the drape).
Jen (Center left) enjoys a beautiful company meal hosted by Cindy Elitzer (far right). Pictured: Tori Sheehan (far left) and Kelsey Hogan (center right).
OC: Indeed, we did. Getting to show you the Berkshires was a pleasure, and once we arrived on your turf, New York City, it was great for the non-NYC based members of the company to have someone who knew the ropes. We’d love to know what you’ve been working on since we last saw you. When you’re not workshopping in the Berkshires with us, we can still find you in New York, right?
JV: Right. I just graduated from NYU Tisch with my BFA in Drama. I also wrote, performed, and directed my very own piece called An Afternoon Visit; or otherwise known as Pussy. Since then, I’ve officially moved to New York City and have been auditioning. I’m also in the process of writing a web-series, which will hopefully start filming in the next couple of months.
The Ministering Angels and Puppet Babies take part in Fringe NYC 2012’s “get off your couch..” initiative. Jenny and her babies sit top right of the couch.
OC: Wow! We are so proud of your hard work and accomplishments. We love collaborating with such a driven and creative artist. Are there any thoughts, feelings you want to share about diving into another show with us?
JV: I’m about to be a part of the cast for Riley Ann Visits…, which I am very excited for!! Every time I get in the room with the puppet babies, there are so many new characters to meet and stories to explore. I can’t wait to start working on the new coyote puppets and exploring the depth of the story of Riley Ann Visits The Outcast Café.
Jen and her babies appear in the bottom right corner of the drape during “Yoke of Oppression” rehearsal in Lee, MA.
And what an exploration it is becoming! We are now a week into our process out here in the peaceful and creatively nurturing Berkshire hills and are discovering lots of new information about our story as well as developing a heightened puppetry vocabulary. Stay tuned for more tidbits and pictures from our process soon! Go ahead and follow our Facebook, twitter, and instagram accounts for frequent updates.
After the most horrendous winter we’ve seen in a good long while, I think it’s FINALLY safe to say we’re officially approaching Summer. Next weekend we arrive at the Vernal Equinox and this muggy week beckons in a hot next few months. To celebrate the warmer days, here’s a collection of our warm Summer Memories from the 2011 and 2012 rehearsals for The Dick and The Rose:
The Band of the 2012 NYC Tour rehearses (L to R: Evan Gambardella, Robert Biggs, Ron Botting, Ian Milliken)
ME and HIM rehearse in Lee, MA 2011 (R to L: Ian Milliken, Robert Biggs)
Occasionally we found time to relax and enjoy a light read (Dylan Wittrock)
A Fantastic Puppetry Discovery (Kelsey Hogan)
A Fantastic Puppetry Discovery (Dylan Wittrock)
A Fantastic Puppetry Discovery (Gail Shalan)
The Ministering Angels Camp at Beartown State Park (Gail Shalan and breakfast)
The Band of the 2011 EdFringe Tour rehearse (L to R: Dylan Wittrock, Robert Biggs, Ian Milliken and Kelsey Hogan)
Puppet Call sans Puppets : NYC Fringe 2012 (Back L to R: Kelsey Hogan, Caley Milliken; Mid R to L: Evan Gambardella, Jake Elitzer; Front R to L: Gail Shalan, Jennifer Vargas)
Kelsey kickin’ it rustic style (Kelsey Hogan)
Summer Evening on the back porch (R to L: Emma Sims-Biggs and Dylan Wittrock)
Amazing multi-tasker, Ian Milliken, plays guitar and accordion simultaneously.
Layover in Heathrow with the gang (R to L: Kelsey Hogan, Dylan Wittrock, Emma Sims-Biggs and Ian Milliken)
First Encounters!
Discussing the Dance Moves (L to R: Caley Milliken, Ron Botting and Barbara Allen)
Yolk of Opression Pick-up for the 2012 Fringe NYC Tour (R to L: Caley Milliken, Gail Shalan, Kelsey Hogan, Jen Vargas, Evan Gambardella and Jake Elitzer)
Intense Tango Rehearsal: 2012 Fringe NYC (R to L: Kelsey Hogan, Caley Milliken, Ron Botting, Ian Milliken and Gail Shalan)
Sweet Relief! Rehearsal in Lee, Ma for the 2011 EdFringe Tour (Front: Dave Demke; Back: Caley Milliken)
Puppets and Tutus: NYCFringe 2012 (L to R: Gail Shalan, Jake Elitzer, Jennifer Vargas, Barbara Allen)
More Ginger Puppet Magic with Kelsey Hogan and friends
Ta Da!! (Robert Biggs)
Thunder Makers: 2011 (R to L: Ian Milliken, Robert Biggs)
Lift! NYCFringe 2012 (Ron Botting and Caley Milliken)
Circus Girl’s Desperation (L to R: Robert Biggs, Caley Milliken, Gail Shalan and Kelsey Hogan)
Making something fun for the Royal Mile : EdFringe 2011 (L to R:Dave Demke, Kelsey Hogan, Ian Milliken, Gail Shalan, Dylan Wittrock, Caley Milliken)
Dylan Caught an Emma (2011)
Dylan Caught a Gail (2011)
How will we get all these puppets, all these instruments, and an oven into these bags? (L to R: Ian Milliken, Dave Demke and Kelsey Hogan)
Actors on the floor 2011
Actors on the floor 2012
Breaking down at Topia Arts 2011 (L to R: Kelsey Hogan, Caley Milliken, Dave Demke, Robert Biggs)
Enjoying a cast dinner at The Elitzer Home (L to R: Tori Sheehan, Jennifer Vargas, Kelsey Hogan and Cindy Elitzer)
An Actor Prepares ( Ron Botting)
Rehearsing important hand-offs NYC Fringe 2012 (Robert Biggs and Ian Milliken)
The exquisite Circus Girl extinguishes the Home (L to R: Ron Botting, Kelsey Hogan, Caley Milliken and Ian Milliken)
Caley Dances: NYC Fringe 2012 (L to R: Kelsey Hogan, Jennifer Vargas, Ian Milliken, Gail Shalan and Caley Milliken)